Monday, September 22, 2008

The Theory

This isn't a physics class but this is about a spring - the coiled piece of wire which retracts back if you leave it after you have pulled it along its length. The spring, the spiral - a circle coming out of another circle and merging into yet another. Endless as it is, hypnotizing it can be, dangerous it often becomes. This is the spring, the life.
It has been an unending debate about what life is, how it is and there are billions of explanations - money, position, fun, love, family, friends, adventure, self and more and more and more..... And at the center of everything is a circle, no beginning no end, a lowest point and a highest point and a multitude of points in between; and an invisible pointer moving along those points traversing the invisible locus, the circle. It simply means that everyone in life has an equal share of goods and bads, happiness and pains, riches and rags, success of failures and so on..... and all this keeps repeating and is never constant. Just like day and night. Just like spring and autumn. And as strange and unknown the universe be, everything follows the same thing - the motion of planets around the sun, the motion of electrons around the nucleus. Nature manifests itself in everything; even in us and even in our life. It doesn't change, it doesn't alter, it goes on in the same misunderstood way since the day time has begun. And it continue to be so.
So that is life. The unsaid law of life. But what next? People say that if life is a circle then it means that man has a destiny which is pre-decided by an invisible hand even before we are conceived in the wombs; our choices loose their meanings; our conflicts loose their truth. But thats where the spring comes in. A spiral - a tiny spec of earth decides to move away from its roots and in its tryst it pulls apart and grows like a stem out of the very thing that defines it and it takes the same course and the circle becomes a spiral, a spring. A new dimension is added to what already was, what already was conceived by another hand, what already was shaped by others. The new circle is a new choice - made by the living. A good choice or a bad choice is non significant. All that matters is a choice. Or else, nothing would matter. Nothing would be controlled. Nothing would be chosen. And this is the only thing that would make give us the right to call ourself 'humans.' Else we are all animals.

1 comment:

Louise V said...

You are a philosopher! Hope to hear more.