Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Back To The Beginning

This is going to be short.
In the very first post for this blog, I had shared a very personal feeling and observation, saying that everything in life goes in spirals, like a spring - a short journey starting from a point, traversing a full circle and starting another one, only that this new one is displaced in time by the earlier one. Try holding a spring in your hand and rotate it while keeping your eyes on it.
Now, I was going through this wikipedia topic yeaterday about spacetime being curved and not straight as was thought or assumed by the Special Theory of Relativity. And in there, I found a diagram giving the worldline of planet Earth (A worldline is the path traced by any object in the space time continuum).
And what did I find - the worldline of earth is a helix, a spiral, a spring just like I explained earlier. What is fascinating to me is that a small philosophical observation of events in life exactly parallels the physical and measurable phenomenon occuring within our worlds. In other words, if earth goes in spirals on a spacetime continuum, how do we, people living on the same massive body of earth, go? Another marvellous example of science coming closer to religious obervations and philosophy.
I think I am safely a philosopher now.

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